Daffodils Defeat Darkness

Around here, people regularly recommend that heading over to the Filoli Gardens in Springtime—In the meadow there, there are literally millions of daffodils, all yellow and white—and a path that allows you to walk through them. The trees are in bloom with pink blossoms. Sunshine, birds, bees and gentle breezes. It is like the celebration…

This is the Night

Alleluia! Tonight more than any night we know some deep truths. Life is stronger than death. Light is stronger than darkness. Love is stronger than hate. The hard part is that the world often has a warped view of love. We make it about words that aren’t followed with actions. We make it about how…

Roller Coaster People: Come to the Carousel

Palm Sunday has got to be my absolutely least favorite day in Holy Week. We start with a parade, like a circus, with people waving palms. We get miracles like Jesus being placed on the back of an unbroken colt and he was not bucked off. People are waving palms leaves and yelling, Hosanna, Hosanna…

Loving God Close Up

When we are intimate with God, we become the best version of our best selves. When we take that faith into the world we help each other remember who we are and to live into that.

The Mystery of Easter

Where joy and courage come together we will be able to share the Good News of Easter.